What’s the Buzz about Meditation?
Shree encourages fellow students to explore the benefits of meditation, as you might just find the key to dealing with stress in your life.
The features section discusses experiences, individuals, and local businesses.
Shree encourages fellow students to explore the benefits of meditation, as you might just find the key to dealing with stress in your life.
Kashika describes some of the most cliché gendered stereotypes in pop culture and points out how damaging and nonsensical they really are.
Molly reports on what the St Andrews fashion shows are looking for in their models and how the casting process really works.
Ethan reports on some of the most useful tricks and tips he’s learned over the years to write the best essays you can.
Practicing hygge and preventing yourself from worrying into oblivion
Jemisha Bhalsod talks about the importance of building ourselves up in troublesome times.
Gray Black gives us some tips and tricks on how to prune and bloom during the pandemic!
Molly recounts the sadness of the class of 2021 in missing out on much of what they expected for their last year of university, in light of the pandemic, but also highlights some bright notes amidst the disappointments.
Madeline Pennino explains the fears of a first time voter: it’s time for change.
Ella reports on the results of the 2020 University of St Andrews Rectorial Election and the racial and cultural significance of our first black female Rector.