Heat Lights The Rule Up Yet Again

Natasha Franks reviews Heat, a sensational night at The Rule.

On Thursday night, The Vic and The Union opened their doors to South Street refugees, the unlucky few party-goers who were denied entry to the night’s most sought after event. Hitting capacity by 11, The Rule hosted the latest iteration of Heat, an iconic name despite its relatively young age. The new face of St Andrews’ nightlife, Heat consistently attracts guests like moths to a flame, every one eager to see and be seen at the hottest event of the semester.


The most recent Heat was no different: Nearly 500 people passed through The Rule over the course of the evening, while over 50 loitered for hours in the mammoth queue. Once granted entry to the blisteringly hot interior, Heat proved itself to be the quintessential club night. Although The Vic and Club 601 provide excuses to dance along to house and hip hop, there is something that separates Heat, an atmosphere of hype that never falters.

The crowd was controlled by Rajvir Visen-Singh, who DJed from The Rule’s upstairs area. A new name on the St Andrews music scene, Visen presided with confidence over the sweat-drenched14305194_668456323324271_5255613874647901391_o dancefloor. His mixes and mashups channeled a certain classic vibe, an 80s aura in a 2016 setting.

As the throng of guests drank and danced, we were all reminded of the necessity of nights like these. As enjoyable as The Bop or Sinners are, the stagnant nature of the St Andrews club scene is desperate for an upgrade. Heat is proof that we can have Big Nights without the need for black tie, and that we can do it as good as Edinburgh or even London.

Based on last night’s success, Heat will surely continue to smoulder for (hopefully) many years to come.



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